Lake Maumelle

Welcome to the Source

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Explore our Fantastic Trails

Adventure and memories await close by the Little Rock metropolitan area.

Current Watershed Conditions

Central Arkansas Water is always keeping an eye on natural watersheds in our area. Use the following tools to learn more about the current conditions of local watersheds near you.

Why It Matters

Clean, affordable water is a pillar of sustainable modern life. Maintaining the quality and cost of clean water is only possible with the help of healthy, natural watersheds. Whether we realize it or not, there are many reasons why healthy watersheds should be a concern to everyone.

About the Watershed

What CAW Does for the Watershed

Because watersheds are natural barriers for many water pollutants like oil, chemicals and sewage, they take care of some of the work in keeping your tap water clean and healthy. Letting nature take on some of the workload helps Central Arkansas Water keep prices down and quality high for all its customers. As a result, keeping watersheds healthy is a big part of what we do.

In order to keep watersheds healthy and working as nature intended, Central Arkansas Water takes a multi-faceted approach. From advocating supportive policies to establishing standards for water treatment to educating the public about the importance and fragility of watersheds, we work every day to keep clean water on people’s minds and in their glasses. We provide specific services such as land aquisitions and conservation, forest management, restoration and reforestation, monitoring, wildlife and recreation, education and outreach, and risk mitigation and emergency response.

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