Customer Service

Central Arkansas Water

Now Available Live Chat with a Customer Service Representative

Do you have a question that you would prefer answered using a desktop or mobile device? For your convenience, CAW now offers a Live Chat option .

Just click the round CAW logo icon on the bottom right side of your screen as it appears on the image below:

You have an option to receive quick answers from our frequently asked questions or if you need further assistance, simply type "Speak to a Customer Service Representative" during regular business hours to connect with us.

Live Chat is available during the following business hours:

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Monday through Thursday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Friday

Contact Customer Service

Call Center Hours

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Monday through Thursday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Friday
501.372.5161 OR toll free 1.855.742.0309

Click Here to E-Mail Customer Service

Providing essential and exceptional service is our top priority. We now offer more ways to enhance your account management experience. Take advantage of our new and improved account self-service options 24/7/365.

Our Customer Service Mission

We are committed to providing quality service to our customers in ways that are helpful, caring, and responsive. Our customers include not only the water customers but those fellow employees with needs supplied by this department.

Our goal is to offer services which not only meet, but clearly exceed the expectationsof our customers. We are committed to obtaining our goals through teamwork, communication, courtesy, integrity, and innovation.We take responsibility for the efficient and effective delivery of quality service and take pride in dedication for our work and being the best we can be.

Need to Pay Your Bill? Try One-Time Automated Payments

Pay your bill fee-free with a Checking Account through the Paymentus automated system at 1.833.245.1947.

Free Drop Box Payments - 221 East Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, AR

You may make a payment using a Drop Box located on the east or west side of CAW JTH Administration Building located at 221 East Capitol Avenue in Little Rock
- Cash payments must be placed within an envelope along with a copy of the remittance slip located at the bottom of you billing statement. Change will not be provided. The full cash payment amount will be applied to your account.

Helpful Information

Learn about CAW's Billing Service Partners, helpful account information -

Helpful Information Webpage

Terms and Conditions of Water Service

Customer agrees to accept water service subject to applicable rates, rules and regulations. Customer accepts service at whatever pressure and quantity may exist without liability on the part of CAW for damages due to high or low pressure or stoppage of flow.

Customer agrees to pay any bill on or before the due date. CAW reserves the right to apply any deposit against a final bill and deny service until all remaining charges have been satisfied; further, customer’s unpaid bill can be transferred to another active account providing service to that customer.
Customer further agrees that water supplied through the service line supplying the premise shall be used only on the premises and for the purposes as defined by customer class. No water shall be sold by the customer nor allowed to be taken through the service for use on any other premise.

Customer further agrees that the customer may only recoup payments made by the customer for erroneous charges during the twelve months that precede the date on which CAW receives a claim by the customer for refund by CAW of payments made by the customer for erroneous charges.