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Terms and Conditions of Water Service Policy

Central Arkansas Water

Terms and Conditions of Water Service

Customer agrees to accept water service subject to applicable rates, rules and regulations. Customer accepts service at whatever pressure and quantity may exist without liability on the part of CAW for damages due to high or lcw pressure or stoppage of flow.

Customer agrees to pay any bill on or before the due date. CAW reserves the right to apply any deposit against a final bill and deny service until all remaining charges have been satisfied; further, customer's unpaid bill can be transferred to another active account providing service to that customer.

Customer further agrees that water supplied through the service line supplying the premise shall be used only on the premises and for the purposes as defined by customer class. No water shall be sold by the customer nor allowed to be taken through the service for use on any other premise.

Customer further agrees that the customer may only recoup payments made by the customer for erroneous charges during the twelve months that precede the date on which CAW receives a claim by the customer for refund by CAW of payments made by the customer for erroneous charges.