Water Rates

Central Arkansas Water

Please, Note: This Schedule of Rates is effective for water billed on or after January 1, 2025, for Inside- and Outside-city customers. For more information, contact us to speak with a Customer Service Representative at (501) 372-5161, or (855) 742-0309.

Availability Charge (Inside City) Residential and Commercial

The CAW Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution 2023-01 implementing its Availability Charge beginning on July 1, 2023, to support the overall operational costs necessary to provide residential and commercial water services.

Per the Resolution, rate schedule updates will occur for water billed on or after January 1, 2025, and each January 1st thereafter through 2032, unless otherwise noted.

The water and wastewater amounts on your billing statement are calculated per hundred cubic feet (CCF) used.

The Availability Charge tables below show use charges per CCF (1 CCF = 750 gallons) .

Meter Size Inside-City
5/8" $10.44
3/4" $13.85
1" $20.67
1 1/2" $37.72
2" $58.19
3" $123.02
4" $218.53
6" $447.10
8" $958.82
10" $1,436.42
12" $1,811.68

Availability Charge (Inside City) Sprinkler

Meter Size Inside-City
5/8" $6.55
3/4" $9.82
1" $16.36
1 1/2" $32.71
2" $52.33
3" $114.43
4" $205.97
6" $425.01
8" $915.38
10" $1,373.06
12" $1,732.66

Availability Charge (Outside City) Residential and Commercial

Meter Size Outside-City
5/8" $13.55
3/4" $17.99
1" $26.86
1 1/2" $49.03
2" $75.65
3" $159.91
4" $284.09
6" $581.21
8" $1,246.46
10" $1,867.34
12" $2,355.17

Availability Charge (Outside City) Sprinkler

Meter Size Outside-City
5/8" $8.51
3/4" $12.76
1" $21.26
1 1/2" $42.52
2" $68.01
3" $148.77
4" $267.76
6" $552.50
8" $1,189.98
10" $1,784.96
12" $2,252.46

Monthly Volume Charge (Inside City)

The Monthly Volume Charge is also measured per hundred cubic feet (CCF). Note: (1 CCF = 750 gallons)

Customer Class Inside-City
Rate per CCF
1-5 CCF
Rate per CCF
6-15 CCF
Rate per CCF
Over 15 CCF
RESIDENTIAL $2.11 $2.76 $3.38
COMMERCIAL $2.09 $2.09 $2.09
SPRINKLER $2.76 $2.76 $3.38

Monthly Volume Charge (Outside City)

Customer Class Outside-City
Rate per CCF
1-5 CCF
Rate per CCF
6-15 CCF
Rate per CCF
Over 15 CCF
RESIDENTIAL $3.39 $4.40 $5.41
COMMERCIAL $3.33 $3.33 $3.33
SPRINKLER $4.40 $4.40 $5.41

Infrastructure Investment Fee

An Infrastructure Investment Fee will appear each month as a separate item on your billing statement. The fee will go toward funding Jack H. Wilson Treatment Plant improvements, Lake Maumelle improvements, and a new 60-inch diameter Raw Water Pipeline. The fee is established based on cost projections. The CAW Board of Commissioners will adjust the fee once actual costs for the three projects and debt service requirements are known. The Infrastructure Investment Fee will be removed once all debt for said projects are retired. The Infrastructure Investment Fee by meter size will be, as follows:

Meter Size Infrastructure Investment Fee
5/8" $0.75
3/4" $1.13
1" $1.88
1 1/2" $3.75
2" $6.00
3" $13.13
4" $23.63
6" $48.75
8" $105.00
10" $157.50
12" $198.75

The Infrastructure Investment Fee will appear beside the following line-item on your monthly billing statement: Infrastructure Investment.

Watershed Protection Fee

A Watershed Protection Fee will appear each month as a separate item on your billing statement. The fee will go toward funding our Watershed Management Program, which includes land purchases, water quality monitoring, and other measures to protect our drinking water supply lakes from potential sources of pollution. The monthly fee will be 90 cents for households with a 5/8 inch-diameter meter. The Watershed Protection Fee by meter size will be, as follows:

Meter Size Watershed Protection Fee
5/8" $0.90
3/4" $0.90
1" $1.35
1 1/2" $2.25
2" $4.50
3" $7.20
4" $13.50
6" $22.50
8" $45.00
10" $72.00

The Watershed Protection Fee will appear beside the following line-item on your monthly billing statement: Watershed Protection.

Debt-Service Charges

Effective September 2009

Central Arkansas Water (CAW) currently has no debt-service charge in effect for the CAW water system. CAW manages billing and collecting for other water and sewer districts that have debt-service charges in effect. For more information, click on Debt Service Charges.

Ancillary Charges – Effective April 1, 2020

Nonrecurring Customer Charges
Service Charge $20.00
Collection Visit $25.00
Non-Pay Turn-on, Next Business Day $40.00
Bad Check Charge $25.00
No Contract $55.00
No Contract – Restore Service $75.00
Straight Connection $80.00
Plugged SVC/Couplings $140.00
ETO (After Hours Service) $80.00
Reroute – Same Day Turn-on $40.00
Lock – Broken or Missing $115.00
Stolen Meter $80.00
Covered Meter Charge $40.00
Contracted Maintenance of Private Fire Hydrant
(per year)
Failure to submit monthly construction meter reading
(1st occurrence)
Failure to submit monthly construction meter reading
(Per 30-days following 1st occurrence)

North Little Rock Sewer Rates (Includes Maumelle and Sherwood Account Holders)

Gravel Ridge Waste Water Utility Rates

Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority (Sewer) Rates

Mayflower Waste Water Rates

Perla Water System Rates

Perla Wastewater System Rates

Runyan Acres Waste Water Utility Rates

Sanitation Rates

Sherwood Waste Water Rates

Wrightsville Wastewater System Rates