Residential Construction Standpipe Information
Central Arkansas Water
Central Arkansas Water will install a meter for service to residence while it is under construction. Final plumbing inspection by the plumbing authority having jurisdiction (see below) must be obtained within 180 days of the meter being set or the service is subject to termination. If construction is not complete at the end of 180 days the temporary status may be renewed for one 90-day period.
Central Arkansas Water will also install a simple temporary construction standpipe with a hose-end vacuum breaker, with one faucet for a garden hose connection, at the time of installation of the water meter. The cost of this option is $65.00 in addition to the normal connection fee. All regular Central Arkansas Water’s requirements applicable to domestic meters must be satisfied, as a condition of permanent service. The construction standpipe must be ordered at the time the new service is ordered.
Central Arkansas water will not alter the construction standpipe in any way. The construction standpipe is an option purchased by the customer. The construction standpipe becomes the property of the customer immediately after it is installed. All liability and maintenance related to the standpipe are the responsibility of the customer.
I understand and agree to the above provisions in addition to the provisions of the standard Central Arkansas Water WATER service contract for the following premise: